Support Community Foundation Boulder County

Donate to support the work of the community foundation

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Support Community Foundation Boulder County

Each year, the foundation sets a goal to raise $1 million for the annual fund campaign. This campaign is the foundation’s backbone and allows us not only to cover facility costs and staff salaries, but deliver the innovative, long-term strategic programs that have defined our work for over three decades. The annual fund also ensures that we can continue to be responsive in times of crisis.

While other nonprofits center their work in specific focus areas, the community foundation is the only local nonprofit committed to keeping its scope as broad as possible, galvanizing resources to reach every corner of the Boulder County community, and in turn, amplifying the entire nonprofit community through grantmaking and partnerships.

We need your support now more than ever as we expand our reach throughout all Boulder County. Your annual fund gift supports our ability to give $10 million in grants annually, makes certain that we respond to immediate needs, and prepares us for any future challenge or crisis that will arise.