Open Door Fund

Supporting and enhancing the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ+) people in Boulder County

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The Community Foundation's Open Door Fund enhances the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ+) people in Boulder County. From seniors to youth, our LGBTQ+ community faces persistent challenges. For example, LGBTQ+ older adults are less likely than heterosexual elders to have children to look after them as they age – and they're more likely to live alone. And according to our TRENDS Report, LGBTQ+ high schoolers report higher rates of dating violence, including sexual assault, than their straight peers. Additionally, LGBTQ+ youth are bullied to a much greater degree than heterosexual teens, and are significantly more likely to contemplate and attempt suicide. In response, the Open Door Fund, a permanent endowment of your Community Foundation, aims to support the strengths and needs of the LGBTQ+ population throughout the county in three ways: by building community, by facilitating collaboration and dialogue between our LGBTQ+ community and the county, and through fundraising and grantmaking.