Help stop the proposed expansion of Gross Dam.

A project that will create the biggest and most environmentally damaging construction project in Boulder County history

Help stop the proposed expansion of Gross Dam. image

What's Happening?

Just 11 miles from Downtown Boulder, Denver Water proposes to enlarge the current Gross Dam, resulting in the biggest and most environmentally damaging construction project in Boulder County's history.

Who's Affected?

If you live in or around Boulder County, or if you just enjoy coming into Boulder on the weekends to hike, boating, stand-up paddle boarding, or even just visit with friends—you'll feel the negative impacts of this project.

How Long Would This Take?

Denver Water estimates this construction project will take at 5-7 years -- making this the biggest and most expensive project in Boulder County's history.

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How would this affect our environment?

Destruction Of A Beautiful Ecosystem

Expanding the dam will mean the destruction of a beautiful area, threatening wildlife, woodlands, and recreation.

Heavy Metals In Our Water

It may also leach heavy metals into the water table, including South Boulder Creek, endangering neighbors like you and me.

Loss Of Key Wild Habitats And Wetlands

Denver's Water's project will disturb or destroy wetlands and habitats for elk, bear, mountain lions, raptors, and countless other species of animals and insects that live in and around Boulder, Gilpin, and Jefferson Counties.

Clear Cutting Hundreds Of Thousands Of Trees

Denver Water estimates that in order to expand the Gross Reservoir and Dam it will need to clear cut over 200,000 trees from around the Reservoir.

Transporting Toxic Chemicals

Denver Water estimates that in order to mix concrete for the expanded Gross Dam, they will need to transport 55,700 tons of highly toxic coal fly ash from a location 350 miles away in Wyoming.

Increased Mercury Levels

The expanded dam will cause increased mercury levels in Gross Reservoir that are expected to necessitate more severe fish consumption advisories for humans and impact our ability to fish in the reservoir.