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So, what does an organization whose mandate is to "create partnerships for change" do during a lock down? (It's a lock down, not a shutdown, in India where our Secretary and Project Representative are right now). All of our work is about being present with the most marginalized persons, networking ideas and support that build community-based social enterprises and learning that helps people control their future.In this time of physical distancing we are adapting – rapidly – to a constantly changing situation and doing everything in our power to keep helping the most vulnerable and marginalized people. We've noticed that many other NGOs are in the same boat and are attending global support exchanges, discussing issues, and coming up with program ideas to try in our locale.We are grateful to all our friends, donors, volunteers and fellow networkers who continue to support our work and make these adaptations possible.Some of the projects we are undertaking right now – and need your help to make happen:Ladakhipedia – a Wikipedia-like platform to share history, traditions and geography of kids' home villages. It gives school children an opportunity to learn 21st Century skills while learning the local storytelling, weaving patterns, migration stories, and even water changes as climate changes. And then, share it with other student groups anywhere around the world.Karuna during Corona – 21 days of ideas for kids out of school to "help remove harm or suffering from others" – also meaning "self-compassion". A one-hour-per-day learning idea shared through text messages for remote villages and Facebook shares to others. From cooking with your grandfather to doing a scatter graph of who is ploughing when across the district. It gives children a break from doing homework sheets all day, every day and a chance to share their videos back with Karuna (Caring) Central.The DIY Exchange – from how to make your own face mask to how to fix a solar lantern to how to relieve stress. Some of our local VoTech experts are offering short DIY videos to quarantined villages who need to enter spring safely, self-sufficiently, while ensuring that they get the crop in the ground.Who we are:

The HELP Fund was formed in 2006 as the global partner linking the India-based, non-profit HEALTH Inc with North American and European Union schools, institutions and groups.

Today, working as a registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation in the USA, the HELP inc Fund supports global partnerships linking the West with South Asian partners to achieve our vision of a world of healthy bodies, healthy communities and healthy futures.

Our mission is to develop community entrepreneurial potential through global partnerships for change.

We focus our work on community-based Health, Environment and Literacy Partnership programs (that's where we got our acronym: the HELP Fund).